Sep 27Liked by Katie Dalebout

It's funny the parallels I noticed between both your leg break and your break up, as well as my own break up. Both experiences are ones that are universally understood in how painful they are, which makes it *so* much easier to accept support. I found that my usual pattern of suppression and excessive independence were impossible to maintain when I was going through my break up, much like having a broken leg. Despite other experiences in life being painful or difficult and needing support, I've found that I've gaslit and dismissed those needs because they "shouldn't" be as difficult as they feel. So it felt incredible when I called my friend in the middle of the work day and she actually picked up and when I asked my other friend for words of affirmation via a 2am text message and she responded immediately. After the first phase of the break up passed, I felt sad that I didn't have the same all-access pass to my friends' support. However, I realized that once my heart was less broken, I had the capacity to support myself. Of course the physical and literal hinderances of a broken leg bring up more needs than a broken heart, but I still related and felt inclined to share. I also just find it interesting that both with that big 2019 broken heart and with the 2024 broken leg, you've expressed seeming like a broken record with needing to continue to share beyond the timeline you thought you ought to. But there's still gems in the continual processing, and I never thought your process took too long! Share as long as you need, we'll still appreciate :)

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Sep 27Liked by Katie Dalebout

your writing is always a pleasure to read <3

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Love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 26Liked by Katie Dalebout

If you need anything, I'm here. I'd love to listen to you for the rest of my life

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1. You are so loved. By so many. Even when the “attention” seems more quiet sometimes.

2. There is nothing more heartwarming and exhilarating than true intimacy.

3. Keep sharing your real messy vain vulnerable parts. We love it and you. Even more, dare I say, than outward facing “cheerful” Katie.

4. I miss college and dorm life and wanna live in a grown up dorm with friends so bad. Wouldn’t that be so fun and nourishing?

5. We single only children women can feel especially “untethered” (as you’ve said) and we have to keep working on and maintaining connection for the sake of our souls. Ideally without breaking any bones.

6. Loved this and your deep honesty.

7. The zine is brilliant. Everyone should order one.

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